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Rednal Hill Infant School & Nursery Class

Achieve, Believe, Create
Be the very best you can be



Phonics is important for children to become effective readers, but it is not an end in itself. Our children are taught phonics as part of a language rich curriculum, so that they develop their wider reading skills at the same time. Research shows that when phonics is taught in a structured way and regularly - starting with the easiest sounds, progressing through to the most complex - it’s the most effective way of teaching young children to read, alongside instilling a ‘love for books’. It’s particularly helpful for children aged 5–7.

Home Readers

To support their reading at home children, will bring home a book which closely matches their phonic ability, so that they can be the 'expert' when reading to others at home.  Our home reading books are organised into bands and sets, which chunk up the learning of new sounds into smaller groups.  Once children have learnt the sounds confidently they are able to move to the next set- our bookmarks help families and children know the targets needed.  Children are encouraged to re-read their home reader several times  to build their fluency when reading sentences.   Children in EYFS and Year 1 also choose a book from the story library to share with a grown up. 

We hold Reading Workshops for parents to support reading at home and operate an open door policy to speak with your child’s class teacher either at the beginning or end of the day or via lour learning platform Tapestry.

Reading for Pleasure


Another aspect of instilling a ‘love’ of reading is for them to be read to.  We have a selection of books that children vote for in class to read as a class novel.  Time is spent each day, where the adult reads to the children for them to enjoy, and hear excellent models of story-telling.

Spine Texts in Every Class



In order to develop patters of stories and to be exposed to a range of texts, each class has 10 stories that they will have read to them regularly over the year, promoting a deep level of comprehension of the texts. Children are exposed to a rich variety of texts, both fiction and non-fiction throughout their journey from Nursery to Year 2. These are currently the texts we are enjoying:


Our Reading library


Reading with your child

Please use the link below to access videos from Little Wandle explaining how your child learning how to blend and how they are taught different sounds (phonemes).











Rednal Hill Infant School, Irwin Avenue, Rednal, Birmingham, B45 8QY

0121 453 2636

Enquiries to Mrs D Brooke at


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